Monday, April 16, 2012

10 Things I Want to Tell Teenage Girls.

 So, I read a list from another blog with the same title (just so you know, this wasn't an original by me) and it made me think of some things I wish I could tell teenage girls too. If you're interested, HERE is the link to the other post, which is actually very good and I suggest you read as well. Still, here are my ten points.

1. Modesty is a high priority.
     Firstly, modesty does not mean wearing skirts that go to your ankles and sweaters when it's 70 degrees outside. A modest girl is conscious of a few things: the situation, the people, and the heart.

In different situations, different things might be appropriate. You don't necessarily have to worry about what you wear at home, for instance - no one there is going to stumble. With different people, different things may be appropriate or inappropriate. This one probably only relates to what gender you're around. Lastly, your heart. It can be deceitful. The important thing it to try to keep in mind you're body is only for the viewing pleasure of your husband. If you don't have a husband, you don't need to show it off. 

2. Quality friendship is important.
     Girls complain about drama so much. They're so known for gossiping, but fail to recognize good friendship is so lovely and necessary. Friends keep you accountable, friends give you good advice, friends forgive and spend quality time together and protect each other. Guys can be friends too (and should be before you date them). Don't start dating a guy without letting him be your best friend first!

3. You can be trendy and still have money in your bank account.
     I've seen so many teenage girls almost bragging about the amount of clothes in their closet (without mentioning the cost it took to get them there). I used to think that I would only be cool and trendy if I shopped at the name brand stores, until I got my own job and all the weight laid on my shoulders. I found I couldn't pay bills and please the crowd. So I stopped trying to impress other girls and started wearing what I liked (but still, only in being cautious with how much was wise to spend).

A godly woman knows how to manage money well:
Prov. 18 a She perceives that her merchandise is profitable.
Prov. 20 She opens her hand to the poor
and reaches out her hands to the needy.

4. That business is not the same a productivity.
     I wish someone had told me when I started High School that every waking moment of my schedule would be busy if I wasn't careful. You're time is precious, you only get a little bit on Earth, and there aren't any do-overs. So spend it wisely. Don't bail on homework to hang out with friends, don't bail on family to be the head cheerleader or the lead in the musical. Don't skip school days to sleep in and don't make yourself so stressed that you have to start sleeping in. You have a family you need to start knowing, a future that has expectations, but there is only so much time in a day, so view it with discernment. 

5. Jesus is the only man good enough for you.
     I can't emphasize how crucial this is, but your husband isn't going to cut it. I have a wonderful boyfriend, he's the perfect guy for me. But at the end of the day there's a spot in my heart only one man can fill, and it's not my boyfriend. Ladies in waiting: He is the only one you need to wait for, and that dreamy man will come (or he may not) and he will be just for you, but he is a gift and does not deserve your worship.
Guard your heart- not just from the boys, but from itself.

6. You shouldn't settle for less.
     To go off the last point, that man should be exactly what you need. He doesn't have to be abusive, an alcoholic, unattractive, or rude. I suggest this for all of you struggling with what that man will look like. Pray, and by pray I mean plead- on hands and knees! He will be worth every request, and God hears and desperately cares about these prayers. The heart you have for him is given by your father, so don't be ashamed. Make a list of things you can't settle for -don't be shy to add physical things too- and start asking God to prepare this man. Then pray to be his lovely lady- but not before you're the Lord's brilliant bride.

7. Submission is beautiful. 
     Nothing is more ugly than a rebellious child, wife, student, employee etc. Women who can't be humble and serve with a good heart aren't attractive. It's not cool. It doesn't get you anywhere. Having a good reputation is important, and treating people like they are worth something and respected is so important. Consider your actions and words very carefully.

8. Don't trade yourself for the "better you".
     In middle school I had a group of friends who just weren't like me. They were all much prettier, funnier, and even had different interests. I began trying to be like them to fit in. I didn't find out who I was until my senior year of High School because of that game I began in 6th grade. You are great just the way you are- no matter how cliche that sounds. People will love who you are, even if not everyone loves it, that's not what matters anyway! Don't waste your time being a people-pleaser.

9. Read, pray, and worship as much as you breathe. 
      I've seen too many High School students get caught in that busy schedule and forget what's most important. I did it too. The fact is, you need it to survive and don't forget it. Period.

10. Believe you're beautiful.
     Make-up and clothes are to compliment your already beautiful body. Don't use them to make you beautiful, you already are. Women have a specialty about them that men don't because, while we both can glorify God, women get to glorify Him in a different way. We get to show off His beauty. But constantly altering His creation and damning how we are made don't give Him any glory at all. Realizing you're beautiful just the way you are is confidence, not pride, and give glory to the one who made that temple, that He loves to sing praise over. He is proud of His creation (and called it good once), so you should be too.


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